The Partners of SimBench.

Fachgebiet Energiemanagement und Betrieb elektrischer Netze (e²n), Universität Kassel
Universität Kassel

Department of Energy Management and Power System Operation (e²n), University Kassel

The department of Energy Management and Power System Operation (e²n) was founded in September 2012.

As part of KDEE and in close cooperation with the Fraunhofer IWES the department’s focus in teaching and research is on the technically and economically optimized design and control of the future decentralized energy supply system (smart grid) with a high percentage of renewable energies to guarantee a secure, cost-efficient and sustainable energy supply.

The main focus is on technically and economically optimized concepts and approaches for the analysis, design and operation of distribution systems, especially:

  • Control and coordination of power sources, loads, storage and grid management tools for the provision of energy and ancillary services
  • Approaches for energy and system management / automated solutions for decentralized supply structures with different concepts such as aggregation and incentive-based strategies
  • Concepts for automated grid planning / optimal system design
  • Solutions for robust system response in case of failure and for grid restoration

An important methodical emphasis lies on the development of methods for modelling and simulations, which allows the analysis and characterization of these systems at different time scales and system levels, as well as multi-objective optimization of the design and operation of power systems.

The department is part of the Centre of Competence for Distributed Power Technology (KDEE) and cooperates closely with the Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE) in Kassel. The collaboration includes jointly supervised theses (Bachelor, Master, PhD), courses offered by Fraunhofer-scientists, research projects and the mutual provision of infrastructure. Thereby, excellent research opportunities as well as a wide variety of courses can be offered.

Fraunhofer-Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Energiesystemtechnik IEE

Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology IEE, Kassel

The Fraunhofer IEE in Kassel researches for the national and international transformation of energy systems. It develops technical and economic solutions in order to further reduce the costs of using renewable energies, to secure the supply despite volatile generation, to ensure grid stability at the high level and to promote the success of the energy transition business model.


  • Energy management and system design • • Energy informatics • Energy process technology • Power grids • Components and plant technics
  • Energy meteorology and renewable resources
  • Energy informatics
  • Energy process technology
  • Power grids
  • Components and plant technics

The Institute emerged from the Energy System Technology branch of Fraunhofer IWES in 2018 and was founded as Institut für Solare Energieversorgungstechnik ISET in Kassel in 1988.

Our service portfolio deals with current and future challenges faced by the energy industry.
We explore and develop solutions for sustainably transforming renewable based energy systems.

The department „Distribution System Operation“ develops application-oriented solutions for an optimal integration of distributed generators, storages and consumers into distribution grids (power, heat and gas grids).

Our solutions provide technical and cost-optimal methods for grid planning, as well as optimal layout and control of distributed technologies & assets, to enable a secure and sustainable energy supply system.

  • Methods and algorithms to optimally plan and operate distribution grids (deriving optimal technical and economic solutions), as well as utilizing ancillary services from distributed energy resources and consumers.
  • Combining grid planning algorithms with powerful simulation tools, for holistic evaluation of present and future grid operation strategies.
  • Operation strategies and lab benchmarking of combined heat & power storage technologies.
  • Consulting activities to support political decision making, in shaping regulations for renewable energies.

Chair and Institute of Power Systems and Power Economics (IAEW), RWTH Aachen University.

Chair and Institute of Power Systems and Power Economics (IAEW) are part of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of RWTH Aachen University.

In a team of scientific assistants we address a wide range of projects in the industrial and public sector. The mathematical simulation, optimization and evaluation of technical and economic development and behavior of the electrical power system are the key components of our work. In particular we address questions of the electric power generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy, profit maximization, quality of supply and environmental compatibility.

Institut für Energiesysteme, Energieeffizienz und Energiewirtschaft (ie³), TU Dortmund
TU Dortmund

Institute for Energy Systems, Energy Efficiency and the Energy Economy (ie³), TU Dortmund

The institute is one of Germany’s leading institutes of higher education in the field of energy systems, energy efficiency and energy economy with the focus on electrical networks. It is the result of the merger of the Chair for Energy Systems and Energy Economics by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Rehtanz as well as the work area for energy efficiency of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johanna Myrzik. Research and studies of the institute solve questions for a technically viable and sustainable electricity system of the future. The research areas cover the following areas:

  • Flexible electrical transport and distribution networks,
  • System integration of regenerative energy sources,
  • Efficient energy application and
  • Electricity industry and markets.

Within the scope of the SimBench project, the institute adopts the specification of the data structure, which leads to a uniform, clearly defined format of the benchmark data set. Furthermore, under the direction of the institute, the benchmark data set for low, medium and high voltage is generated. The institute develops the low voltage data set, generates the generation time series, and creates an ICT model.